Workers Compensation

Get solutions to your biggest workers compensation problems

Let us use our resources as a local broker to help you navigate the complex work comp ecosystem. We can help you get better results!

Multiple insurance companies

As an independent broker, we work with most major insurance companies as well as Self-insured Groups, PEOs and other programs to help you find the right solution. 

responsive Service

No need for 1-800 numbers. Call us directly and work with a dedicated team that knows you and understands your business. Of course, we still have the high tech tools you expect. 

CLaims Advocacy

We’re in your corner when it comes to claims.  Let us help you navigate the claims process and work towards positive results

Audit help

Annual audits can be a pain but let us help you make sure they are done correctly.  Reviewing past audits can help unlock even more savings

Helpful Workers Compensation Links

State of Nevada
Workers Comp

State of California
Workers Comp